MOUD Clinic Exchange Survey
CAPP Highlights: North Carolina Council Member
Peer Support Specialist Data Registry: New Survey Available
Introduction to Evaluation Micro-Learning Videos
Additional Resources |
The STARS MOUD Clinic Research Exchange
The STARS Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Clinic Research Exchange is a practice-based research network that aims to advance research on behavioral interventions and other support services that can facilitate treatment and recovery among individuals with OUD. The Exchange is comprised of clinics in Central Appalachia that provide MOUD/medication-assisted treatment (MAT), including opioid treatment programs (OTPs) and office-based opioid/addiction treatment (OBOT/OBAT) programs.
To date, the MOUD Clinic Research Exchange has welcomed 36 clinics that are participating in focus groups, survey recruitment, lunch and learns, and partner initiatives.
Invitation to Take a Survey |
Guided by recent focus groups with MOUD Clinic Research Exchange members, the STARS team is now conducting an online survey of Exchange members focused on the delivery of peer recovery support services. The research champions, or clinic staff identified by them, will receive a link via email to complete the survey on behalf of their clinic soon, if not already. We encourage all Exchange members to participate in this survey effort and look forward to learning together.
The deadline for completion is Wednesday, April 23rd. |
CAPP Highlights:
North Carolina Council Member |
In this issue, we feature the perspective of CAPP's North Carolina council member, Patty Schaeffer, Executive Director of WellSurgent, a CPSS/Trainer, an Advanced Level WRAPĀ® Facilitator QPR, a SMART & WHAM Instructor, an NC ABLE Facilitator, a Harm Reduction Specialist, and a Master Firewalker/Instructor. |
What have been some of the most rewarding aspects of your work in peer recovery support?
To see a peer in crisis, supporting that peer while they own their new decisions of self-determined goals... right, wrong or indifferent for the last 14 years, "with grace there go I." Not taking it personally if the peer doesn't want change, and still supporting them intentionally while they navigate what this change could mean for them. Ultimately, being able to see their world open up to possibility they never imagined for themselves with the development of action plans. Any change is good change.
What are some of the looming challenges for peer recovery support services (PRSS) and/or the work that you are doing right now?
There is an undercurrent of what peer support is and is not. It's not "sponsorship" for those with foundations in 12-step recovery programs. The peer support specialist offering services needs to navigate what "abstinence based recovery" is vs. medication assisted treatment (MAT) vs. what worked for them, because it may not work for another peer.
Also, there is a lack of knowledge among supervisory support for this growing paraprofessional workforce. Recovery is a process, not an event. It is crucial for supervisors to have preventative measures and awareness of "what to do/action planning" should a peer recovery supporter experience crisis or return to use.
In your experience, what are some factors in North Carolina specifically that are supporting or limiting peer recovery support services?
The supporting factors include services that are MAT focused, as well as the use of Opioid Reimbursement Funds, grants and scholarship monies to pay for Peer Support Specialist training across the state to elevate the unique perspective of "lived experience." There are 1,001 pathways of recovery for an individual. Finding the ones that fit each person is the goal.
The limiting factors include peers with lifestyles of recovery and wellness not being able to afford a peer recovery support class. I see our state moving towards these opportunities with funding that once did not exist. It's been like turning a big ship with a tiny rudder. Eventually it will get turned around; this will just take some time.
How has the CAPP Advisory Council helped to address any challenges?
Central Appalachian states are at the center of the opioid epidemic. The network of collaborative partnerships throughout central Appalachia has benefited from the CAPP Advisory Council making connections with providers serving people with opioid use disorder (OUD) and substance use disorder (SUD). We are working on solutions to develop, evaluate, and communicate evidenceābased prevention, treatment, and systems tailored to our regions and other parts of the nation. CAPP members have highlighted what is working and not working in their communities.
What do you hope the CAPP will accomplish as it wraps up this coming year?
I hope the CAPP will continue to emphasize the relevance and benefits of this community in action through multiāstate research collaborations among students, clinicians, researchers, and even the private enterprise of larger healthcare systems along with local/state health organizations. Most importantly from where I stand, it's knowing that everyone needs care, and being a member of CAPP, I've had a voice not just as a professional in behavioral health but as a peer with "lived experience."
What is one thing youāve enjoyed serving on the CAPP Advisory Council?
The opportunity to meet new people that I would not have met otherwise from across our six states has been amazing. Many of us often carry the hope of recovery until the individuals struggling with addiction can carry it for themselves. The CAPP group fits within my own personal motto: "Love All... Serve All!"
Peer Specialists are Invited to Join the Registry!
For more information, please visit:
The CAPP Peer Support Specialist (PSS) Data Registry is an opportunity to learn more about the roles and activities of Peer Support Specialists (PSS) in Central Appalachia, including PSS working with patients/clients utilizing Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD). To date, the registry has enrolled over 300 PSS through the baseline survey. Registry members can also take follow-up surveys focused on MAT stigma and perceptions of stress. Each survey participant will be entered into a lottery drawing for a $200 cash incentive. |
NEW: Quality of Life Survey Now Available! |
The STARS team and the CAPP Advisory Council have developed three micro-learning videos to provide an overview of basic types of program evaluation accessible to peer practitioners and those new to evaluation. Program evaluation can be a vital tool for improving recovery services.
The evaluation process first identifies what the program aims to achieve, and then collects quantitative and qualitative information to determine if program goals are being met. Evaluation results can prove that a program is effective, which can lead to continued funding and support for the services. The videos present an 1) introduction to evaluation, 2) the difference between process and outcome evaluation, and 3) what kinds of data can be collected. |
2025 NCARS Virtual Conference |
The 2025 National Conference on Addiction Recovery Science will bring together researchers at all stages of training and experience to stimulate exchange of ideas and allow for the presentation of cutting-edge research across the spectrum of alcohol and other drug use disorders and affected populations. This is the only national conference specifically dedicated to substance use disorder and addiction recovery science.
Looking for a collaborator? |
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